The Black Condition

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She stands tall, compelling your eyes to gaze upon her figure. Her presence suggests wisdom beyond her years. Beware of her beauty though. She is enchanting, exotic to most but in many ways her beauty only distracts from the reality of her true condition. Her posture is strong – reflective of the way her struggles have molded her into this character.

Throughout her existence, every inch ever gained has been hard fought. She looks down at you and in that moment you see her for the complex creature she really is. She shows confidence but a closer look suggests some self-doubt. She knows that for all the progress she has made in these past few hundred years, she lives in a world where she cannot afford to feel completely sure about herself. Take a closer look and you will see contempt peeking through her expression.

Her history defines her and she is very aware that no amount of “progress” and “success” will erase the pain she has endured. Thus, she harbors those feelings deep within her soul. Look into her eyes, study her features and you will see a subtle expression of defiance. She is still here. Progress is painfully slow, but your doubt in her ability helps fan the flames of resistance that have been burning within her for centuries.

History tells us that this moment in time has been a long time in the making. She rejects the idea that her current condition is deemed as “success”. The closest thing to success in her eyes is equality. But that day is far away – something she knows all too well.