2004 Hampton University Commencement Speech by Tim Lee

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[2004 Hampton University Speech Transcript]

Hello everyone. To Dr. Haysbert the provost and acting president, to Dr. Harvey the commencement speaker, to the distinguished platform guests, administration, faculty, staff, students, loved ones, friends, family members, siblings, parents, especially mothers, I am Tim Lee. That is two names first and last. T I M L E E, Tim Lee and I am the president of the fifth generation of Quintessence, the purest most concentrated essence under the sun, Hampton University’s senior class of 2004. Before I begin, I would like to set aside a moment to thank God for the many people who have helped pay and pray that we might accomplish this goal, Amen. I also acknowledge God and his role in our graduation for it is he who has brought u this far and not we ourselves. Dr. Harvey, we accept the challenge with which you have charged us and we will use the education of the hand, the head and the heart that we have received here for life.

To my peers and beloved members of Q T 5, I speak in agreement with Dr. Harvey when I say don’t get too comfortable. Indeed we are approaching the end of what may be some of the most memorable years of our lives. And anytime we come to the end of one of life’s many stages there’s a possibility of becoming complacent. While we are in the stage, struggling through the stage, we’re in a striving position reaching for what the apostle Paul describes as the prize for the, excuse me the mark for the prize of the high calling. Many of us sitting here, however, because we have taken our last test, turned in our last paper and paid our last bill have already gotten comfortable getting out of this position. Sitting here in these black robes draped with cords soon to be dorned with hoods accessorized by a black flat cap with a tassel, we may think there’s no more work to be done. And in our comfortable complacency we may effortlessly forget some of the realities of life: That some of us will walk on stage as college graduates and walk off stage unemployed. Some of us will walk on stage as honor students in our fields of study and off stage confused about the next step in our lives.

So, I say to you today my friends we still face difficult days ahead. We still have work to do, mountains to climb and obstacles to overcome. We cannot stop striving yet. They won’t get easier, life’s challenges. But they will become more intricate, tricky. But when life’s complexities confuse us, when the paradoxical ironies of existence surprise us and when we are troubled by the uncontrollable external entities both spiritual and physical, we must remember our abc’s. No not the alphabet- English majors of reading and writing. But the abc’s of life. And once we’ve learned them, we should take them with us as we let our lives do the singing.

Take the A-and accept the challenge
The B-and believe in ourselves
The C-convert our thoughts into hopes
The D-the determination to convert our hopes into dreams
We should E-expect some obstacles on the way up
And F-fight while being faithful and finish the course
We should G-get God on our side
And H-have a Harvey model of leadership
We should I-inspire someone else
And J-take Jesus on our journey
We should K-keep on keeping on
And L-be a leader
We should M-make everyday count
And N-never give up!
We must O-overcome our obstacles
And P-put our best foot forward
We must Q-quit quitting
And R-run the race with patience
We must S-strive on
While T-trusting in The Lord
We should U-use our talents
And V-value our time
We should W-wait for understanding
And X x-ray our own lifestyles
We should Y-yearn to achieve all that we seek
And Z-be zealous when reaching the top!

Yes! Yes we can reach the top! QT5 We must reach the top! We must understand that there is a plan for our lives, a greater plan and will. And if we ask God, he will reveal it. If we pray to God, he will reveal it. If we wait on God he will deliver it. And if we go with God, we will achieve it. Thank you and congratulations!